Awards Plus

Supporting Young People to Achieve

FOTA is very grateful to our wide range of funders and supporters for keeping us going and enabling so many young people to succeed. Here are some of the ways you could help us to continue or expand our work:

Grant Funding

We work closely with funders to provide services to support young people in their personal development. If you are aware of any funding source which may help us, please get in touch. Contact Us

Donate while you shop

At no cost to you, a wide range of online retailers will donate to FOTA every time you buy anything. Click the following links to get started:

Amazon Smile

By choosing FOTA as your preferred charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of most of your purchases to us, just remember to shop via Set up now


Thousands of online retailers will make a donation to FOTA every time you shop if you click through EasyFundraising, or install the Donation Reminder to activate a donation whenever you land on a participating website. Set up now

Donate Online

If you’d like to donate once, or set up a regular donation, please head to our fundraising page on CAF Donate. Donate now

Fundraise for FOTA

If you’re looking to challenge yourself, and raise funds for a great cause along the way, then why not consider fundraising for us, we’d love to hear what you’re planning. Contact Us

Thank you for your support!